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CAS Learning Outcomes

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

World Turtle Day is celebrated annually on May 23rd. The Community Engagement committee raised awareness about turtles and their importance in our marine ecosystem. Being a part of the planning committee, I learned a lot about how to plan events that aim to bring together a lot of people for a certain cause. Through the process of planning, there were certain obstacles that came our way. One of them was sorting out the details about how to carry forward this event. After a lot of brainstorming, we decided to have a fundraiser for different goods and activities. We decided to have a bake sale and a painting activity that would attract the students to our booth, and meanwhile that, we would educate them about turtles and the marine ecosystem. The second challenge was managing the timings of middle school and high school. Therefore, we made schedules for organizing the fundraising timings and duties. We developed new skills through this process since this event was a collaboration with another club at our high school- Love Ocean Life. There were a lot of factors to be taken into consideration since Community Engagement comprised only high school students whereas the Love Ocean Life had middle school students as well. The timings for events differed. It took some time to plan the event out, however, it was carried out well. Nevertheless, we raised a fair amount of money that we decided to donate to a turtle conservation organization.

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