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CAS Learning Outcomes

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Wells Spirits and Events committee was a committee under the Wells International School Student Council. It holds events to raise school morale. I was a member of the committee for a year until it was merged with another committee, which is mentioned in my CAS Experiences section. I worked with a team to organize events including Spirit Week, Secret Santa, Valentine’s Day and Wells annual sports day.. In Spirit Week, we raise school morale by assigning certain themes to each day of that week such as pajama day or Disney day where people can dress up accordingly and take class photos to win the Spirit Week’s best class challenge. Furthermore, Secret Santa and Valentine’s day was a way of ordering gifts for people. It was a fundraising event. There are many more events to come in the future such as Valentine’s Day sale and Wells Sports Day. It took teamwork and effort to bind the committee together and work towards making such big events successful. All of the events organized by this committee involved working collaboratively. With effective communication and teamwork, the committee's events were successful.

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