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CAS Learning Outcomes

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I interned for a total of 3 weeks starting from 19th June to 13th July. I worked on the Artificial Organ lab (AO lab), which was a part of the biomedical engineering department under the supervision of Professor Phornphop Naiyanetr. The objective of artificial organ lab is to make devices that alternate natural organs to restore a specific part or function of that organ. We also got the opportunity to meet Dr. Riaz Akhtar, a professor from Liverpool University, United Kingdom.  He presented the programme from the University of Liverpool and talked about the project he was working on with his Phd students which was to understand how the nano- and micro-scale properties of biological tissues alter with ageing and disease. Overall, the experience was one to remember, considering the new knowledge we gained, not only in terms of studies but also in terms of interacting with elders and peers. It was indeed inspiring seeing the students work hard to pursue their passions and dreams at the university and I hope to do the same in my near future.

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