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CAS Learning Outcomes

1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Breast Cancer day is celebrated annually on October 20. Being a member of the Community Engagement Committee, I along with my leaders and other members decided to organize this event for the Wells community. Breast cancer is becoming a common issue for men and women around the world and therefore, this gave us an opportunity to raise awareness about the issue among a large group of people. We made announcements, posters, and created a safe space on a bulletin board with a large ribbon for people to share their thoughts and emotions on this topic. We had our strengths and weaknesses.  For our strengths, we had many people who learned more about breast cancer and were more aware of this issue than before. We further had people participate in our campaign, take pictures and spread the word through social media and platforms. A challenge was making the big ribbon that took time to finish. Due to different schedules of different people and other time constraints, it felt harder to coordinate that part of the event. Eventually, everything did come together. 

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