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CAS Learning Outcomes

1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

During quarantine I decided to work on myself physically and try to get in a 30 minute workout every other day. During the same time, I decided to also cut down on my diet so that there would so difference seen over a period of time. I tried to do the work out every other day, however, it was on and off. I would do yoga someday, go for a walk the other day, this was I was able to have changes in the routine so that I don't get exhausted and bored doing the same thing. It was definitely challenging the first few days, because my body wasn't used to it, but I soon warmed up. I don't workout as often as I used to during quarantine but I still try. During the time we were having online class, I really got to step back and look at other things around because I was so focused on my academic growth that I didn't realize the value of personal growth. The couple of months really gave me time to focus on myself and spend time with my family. 

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