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CAS Learning Outcomes

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6. Demonstrate engaged with issues of global importance

ServICE is a conference held annually at different international schools around Bangkok. The ServICE at International Community School (ICS) was my second conference and definitely one of the most memorable experiences of my life. We got to learn a lot about projects that are implemented for the betterment of society. We also met many empowering people who have initiated their projects to fight an issue. We met teachers, people from organizations and many other students who we see as the future leaders of the world. Through keynotes and how-to- session, we got to learn a lot about the global issues we are facing and how we can work together to combat them. I hosted a booth there for my club as well. We had an LOL booth and we organized a simulation. I also participated in teaching young Thai students English which was a BYB trip at the conference.  It was indeed a fascinating experience. Overall, this conference was definitely a learning experience. I also learned about how to interact with people and share knowledge with them. I definitely learned about collaboration, especially when it came to handling the booth.

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