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CAS Learning Outcomes

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6. Demonstrate engaged with issues of global importance

TDEx stands for Thailand Diving Expo. This was an event held by the Shark Guardians, Love Wildlife and other organizations. It was dedicated to raising awareness of marine conservation. Being a part of the Love Ocean Life club, we have been in contact with the Shark Guardians. We helped them at their booth in the event. We sold tattoos and did the coloring. The activities were kept simple to target a young audience to come to our booth. It was a hands-on experience of handling a booth and working with organizations. It was a learning experience for everyone since it taught us a lot of marine conservation and how people with similar passions come together to work collaboratively in raising awareness on such topics through an event. We learned to collaborate and work together since at times it got challenging to get people to sign-up for the times they wanted. However, we overcame that and eventually worked towards finishing the sign-ups, sending it to the organization and making sure people were there during their timings. 

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